

This is the history of the attempt to destroy the city of Mecca and to destroy its people and destroy it in the history of the World. One leader, known as Abrah, organized a huge army to destroy Al-Qa'aba


The second incident was the elephant incident, and it was as follows: - A Yemeni leader known as Abrah saw Arabs from various places closing caravans towards Makkah for the purpose of going on pilgrimage. So he decided to build a very large church that he thought would make the Arabs not go to Mecca but to go on pilgrimage to his church. There was a young man from the Kinana tribe who knew about this Abraha. So he went into the church at night and then smeared the wall of the church with his dung. When Abraha learned of this he prepared a very large army to destroy Al-Ka'aba. Abraha's army consisted of sixty thousand (60,000) warriors. then he chose a big elephant and rode him. In this army, there were between nine and thirteen elephants. (9-13)

Abraha's journey continued until he came to a place called Magmas. And that's when he straightened his army and prepared it for entering Makkah. He continued until he came to a place called Muhassar Basin. This valley is located between Muzdalifah and Mina. And then the Abraha elephant refused to continue the journey. The elephant knelt down and sat down, completely striking towards Makkah. So when he turns him to the other side he agrees but when he turns him towards Makkah he strikes completely.

And it was then that Allah brought an army of birds carrying the stones of fire and struck down the army of Abraha. These birds each carried three pebbles, one pebble in their beak and two in their legs. Every stone killed a man in the army of Abraha. Some died on the spot and others fled and died before the trip. Abraha was lucky to run away as he was badly injured, when he reached a place called San’a his condition worsened and he died.

On the other hand, the inhabitants of Makkah fled the city and hid in the rocks. And this is the advice given to them by their leader Abdul Al-Muttalib. After praying to Allah and finally letting Allah protect His House and they save their lives. So the Abraha army, after being destroyed, the inhabitants of Makkah returned to their homes safely.

This event took place in the month of Muharram fifty or fifty-five days before the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) which is the same as the Second Month or the beginning of the Third Month in 571 B.C. and this was a gift from Allah to His Messenger and the people of his family. And that is where the House of Allah, Al-ka'aba, became famous for its glory. And this year the Arabs called it the year of the Elephant.


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